Well This Was Scary

Who said men don’t talk? 

Give him a platform and he will open up and speak his truth. 

But are you willing to listen and hear his heart, ladies ... and men too? 

- Dr. Monica Y. Jackson

I’ve been selected to speak at the M4: Men, Message, Mission, Movement Virtual Summit

The invitation is for me to ‘speak my truth’ for 45 mins and tell the journey of why I work with men, and support people in having more fulfilling relationships.

Now, I tend towards being an introvert (with flurries of extroversion 🕺). And I often find it uncomfortable to talk about myself, and share things about my life that paint me in a less than perfect light (recovering Nice Guy here).

So I was *slightly* terrified to talk about myself so openly.

My journey includes being raised in a home where conflict was most often swept under the rug, grief and anger weren’t openly expressed. 

My journey includes becoming a parent, depression, infidelity and a marriage that didn’t work.

My journey includes beginning men’s work and tapping into deep emotional caverns.

I’ve talked and written about these things here and there. But talking about it all at once, well that turned out to bring up a lot of feelings about being seen and judged.

At the same time I know that it’s exactly these things that have let me know myself more deeply, and connect with others more deeply. 

I know that talking about these things has led to healing and strength.

It’s these things that have led me to work with men, and my work coaching people to find connection and passion in their relationships, which I love.

It’s exactly these things that have led to the amazing relationships I have today, with Carina, my dad and brother, with friends.

I prerecorded my talk, and this video below is an interview I did with Dr. Monica like seconds after. Because that’s how she rolls. 

One of the COOLEST things about doing the M4 Summit. Is Dr. Monica herself. This woman is on a mission to understand men. She is passionate and curious in seeking to understand her own life.

Not only is she choosing to listen and ask questions, she’s creating a space where these conversations can be heard by many.

The other cool thing about doing the M4 Summit was meeting the other men selected to talk. Men from backgrounds and experiences unfamiliar to me. Men crackling with passion. 

Men with stories that will open your heart.

Register here to take part and hear all the stories https://drmonicajackson.com/M4Summit

The summit takes place on September 23 – 24, 2023, and a bonus day with the speakers on September 22, 2023.

M4 Summit Visionary Dr. Monica Chats with M4 Summit Speaker Matt Hilliard

Stay connected,


Talk to Matt about having fewer fights and more intimacy. Book your free discovery call here.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash


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👻Secrets, Spectres, and Relationships: Confronting the Unspoken!