☎️Still ‘On Hold’? Feedback on last week’s blog

I received some questions and reflections about last week’s post. 

Firstly, thank you. 

Writing these posts helps me clarify my thoughts on things, but more than that it’s intended to offer thoughtful insight and support on your relationships. 

So, thank you for the warm glow of receiving your emails and comments that lets me know you’re reading it.

The gist of the feedback was ‘yup, putting a relationship on hold is a thing, because I’ve done it or experienced it’.

Then there was a question along the lines of, in our committed relationship ‘how do we know if our relationship is on hold?’.

The simplest answer is, do either or both of you feel like it’s on hold? 

If your relationship is currently on the backburner because of work, family, or even if one of you is away on a trip… if one of you is totally ok with this but the other one is saying ‘I kind of feel disconnected from the relationship…this whole ‘us’ thing is feeling rather abstract…I’m feeling a tiny bit forlorn/massively abandoned’...then the relationship is ‘on hold’.

Your relationship isn’t on hold if taking some time and distance away unanimously feels nurturing and grounding for you as individuals, and allows you to reconnect feeling revitalised and excited about yourselves each other.

Bottom Line: it’s really up to you, the people actually in the relationship, to notice how you’re feeling about your relationship. Especially if your relationship is more on the back burner than usual (or is about to be). 

If you want to spend more time together, or find other ways to connect, start the conversation.

Stay connected.


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Dads, this is what she wants from you.


Well This Was Scary