Tips, tools and advice to improve

your dating, relationship and married life

 They’re Listening But You Don’t Feel Heard? This Is Why
Matt Hilliard-Forde Matt Hilliard-Forde

They’re Listening But You Don’t Feel Heard? This Is Why

You’re talking with your partner.

He’s got his back to you as he washes the dishes.

What you’re talking about is important. You’re getting uh-huhs and mm-mmm, he’s even responding with comments that let you know he’s hearing you.

So why do you feel unheard?

Because someone hearing you and you feeling listened to are connected but different.

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Parents or Partners? The One-Letter Difference That Shapes Your Relationship
Matt Hilliard-Forde Matt Hilliard-Forde

Parents or Partners? The One-Letter Difference That Shapes Your Relationship

The wonderful actress Kerry Washington pointed out that there’s only one letter difference between ‘parents’ and ‘partner’ - just switch out the s with an r and there you are.

It’s a simple and smart encapsulation of a truth that defines, for and better and for worse, our intimate relationships.

Just as we inherit our parents' eye colour or sense of humour, we also inherit their relationship patterns. It's like an invisible hand guiding us towards familiar dynamics, both the good and the not-so-good. 

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Relationship Frustration? It's Time to Rethink Your Approach.
Matt Hilliard-Forde Matt Hilliard-Forde

Relationship Frustration? It's Time to Rethink Your Approach.

One of the biggest shifts about relationships I can share with you is that your relationship is a path.

A path to what?

The fairytale fantasy that so many of us are raised with is that our relationship will be fulfilling, rock solid, adventurous, sexy, and wild, inspiring - whatever's important to us will magically and perpetually be manifested by our choice of partner.

Wouldn't that be amazing?

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Unveiling the Scary Path of Personal Growth: What Does "Doing the Work" Really Mean?
Matt Hilliard-Forde Matt Hilliard-Forde

Unveiling the Scary Path of Personal Growth: What Does "Doing the Work" Really Mean?

When you step into growth-focused communities, whether it’s online or in person, working with a coach or a therapist, being in a group or reading stuff online, the phrase ‘doing the work’ comes up quickly and often.

But what does it mean?

In a nutshell, "doing the work" refers to some serious introspection. It's about taking a good, hard look at your patterns, habits, beliefs, and even your relationships.

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Unlock Your Dad Swagger
Matt Hilliard-Forde Matt Hilliard-Forde

Unlock Your Dad Swagger

I love being a dad. It’s brought so much joy, alongside a sense of deep purpose and identity.

I love being a dad, and I'm also relieved that my eldest is out of the home at university and he's almost not a teenager anymore. 

My daughter is 17, so she and I still have a ways to go and it’s a whole different trip.

I've felt the pressure to protect and provide, the confusion about how to parent, and the ongoing struggle it can be to show up as a dad, a partner, and at work day-in day-out.

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